ZKW is working with Newsight Imaging to develop highly precise, adaptive high beams – including for retrofitting

New technology integrates light sensor and controls directly into the front lighting

The strategic partnership ZKW entered into with Israeli startup Newsight Imaging in 2019 is already achieving results. Newsight Imaging won ZKW’s “Drive Light Sight” competition in 2019. Now, a new prototype for a glare-free high beam has been developed as an initial result of the cooperation; the high beam can be integrated directly into the headlamp with its associated sensors and controller. This eliminates the need for a separate front camera. The project, which is currently known as “senseZ” could be ready for series production soon and be manufactured by ZKW. “The autonomous high beam system can be added to or used to retrofit older vehicle models that do not have a front camera or an infrastructure designed for ADB. However, the innovation can also be used to upgrade existing adaptive high beam technology with a higher resolution” explains Oliver Schubert, CEO of the ZKW Group.

The new system consists of an integrated module for glare-free high beams which is installed in the headlamp. The control signals for the adaptive light are delivered by a light-sensitive sensor that is also integrated into this “senseZ” unit. This allows for intelligent, vehicle-independent control of the high beam that automatically hides other road users at night, actively helping to improve traffic safety. The innovation is also easy to integrate into the vehicle architecture without many additional steps, because neither the vehicle electronics nor camera data from the vehicle itself are required. An initial prototype in a test vehicle will now be used to optimize the unit’s function. “Because the system is primarily independent from the vehicle architecture, it offers a simple way to access high-quality light technology. Now, we are taking the next step together through further development and joint commercialization” says Hannes Scheer, Head of Innovation at ZKW Group GmbH.

Press contact

Mag. (FH) Sandra Simeonidis-Huber, M.E.S.


ZKW Group GmbH
Rottenhauser Straße 8
A-3250 Wieselburg
+43 7416 505 0

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